Rhonda enjoys speaking to audiences on a various # of topics: Lyme Disease Awareness, Breast Cancer, Stroke, Heart Attack, Community Service. Faith over Fear and the power of What If.
Her skills for non-profit work include fundraising, event planning and service. She is a receipient of the Presidential Lifetime Community Service Award with more 10,000 hours of service.
Her advocacy shares insight through social media platforms to help seniors.
With a following reaching 100k she shares her heart felt testimony through a ministry called #MorningWalk
Rhonda is a 10thgeneration Virginian, has been married for 48 years, and has two grown children and one grandchild.
Rhonda is an entrepreneur, inventor, and author. She holds a B.A. from Trinity College and an A.P.R. from the Public Relations Society of America. She received executive leadership certification from Harvard Business School and is certified in non-profit management from Indiana University’s School of Philanthropy.
Rhonda has worked as an assistant Fashion buyer, lobbyist, and book editor. She is one of the original staff that opened and established a living history museum called the Frontier Culture Museum. She was called to serve in the non-profit world after working for the Frontier Culture Museum for 16 years. She joined the SAW Habitat for Humanity organization in 2002 as their Executive Director and retired in 2016 after partnering with over 50 families to build and repair homes. She serves her community and has held leadership roles on charity boards and commissions including a Regional Free Clinic, the Governor’s Human Rights Commission, Middlebrook Ruritan Club, and Ride with Pride.
Currently, Rhonda is the President of CrownClips – a company she began after inventing a device that keeps a bridal tiara or crown secure on your head. She is also 2025re Ms. Senior World VA and will represent Virginia women over seventy on the international stage pageant in November.
Rhonda was called to start a charity to help teens attend Prom without cost over 20 years ago. It has served more than 2,000 teens by helping them attend prom with beautiful outfits at no cost to them.
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